07 February 2014

iPhoto of the week: Lucky Cat Bowl

I'm interested in the ability my iPhone gives me to take artsy pictures with my phone camera alone.  In keeping my Ravelry handspun page updated, I've discovered a talent (I think) for taking "portraits" of my yarn.  I'll be sharing those in the future, but since I've had a terrible, terrible cold with attendant low-grade fever for the past week, I thought I'd share this snap of my favorite lucky cat bowl filled with comfort soup... Well, just Cambell's, really. 

Between that and starting my new Alter-Ego to protect my secret identity (read: job), I'm pretty well dragged through the gutter.  I'll probably be intarweb-silent until this time next week. 

Stay well, don't get sick.  Be Imaginary. 

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